God Works All Things Together for Your Good

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Join Rob as he teaches the background and outline of Romans, focusing on Romans 8:28 as an incredible, all-inclusive, all-powerful, and always available promise.

God Works All Things Together for Your Good
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About the Book

What if you knew—what if you really knew—that everything that happened to you would eventually work for good in your life?

Would it chnge the way you felt, thought, and lived?

Dramatically! That’s the unstoppable power of Romans 8:28, the ultimate promise in the Bible, that all things work for the good of those who love Him, to those who are called according to His purpose.

Romans 8:28 is all-inclusive, all-powerful, and always available. It can touch any hurt and redeem any problem. It isn’t a mere platitude but a divine promise. Romans 8:28 morphs us into resilient, cheerful people, whatever our temperament.