If you need a last-minute gift for a friend of any age, especially someone my age, I’d like to recommend Billy Graham’s newest book, Nearing Home. You can probably snag a copy at any bookstore, as time is running out for mail deliveries. It’s been a great encouragement to me as I’ve been reading a few pages every morning.
I’m also honored that on page 160, Dr. Graham refers to my book, 100 Bible Verses Everyone Should Know by Heart, and my story about our TDF member Mrs. Frances Hayes. Here is his citation:
A wonderful friend of ours, Robert Morgan, wrote a little book recently about Bible memorization and states, “Our minds are vaults especially designed to stockpile the seeds of God’s Word.” In his book, he tells the story of an eighty-nine-year-old woman in his church who said, “Oh, Pastor Morgan, I’m so glad you are having us memorize Bible verses. I’ve already gotten started on them. It’s going to help me keep my mind fresh and young.”
It made me smile to realize that she would keep her mind fresh and young… she had not allowed it to get old. There is not better deposit to make in the human mind and heart than to fill them with the treasures found in the Word of God.
–Billy Graham, Nearing Home (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2011), 160.