This week I’m in Tampa, speaking at the Bible-Based Fellowship Church of Temple Terrace, a lively, friendly, Bible-loving church of mostly African-American worshippers, led by a terrific pastor named Earl Mason, who is a joy to me. The meetings run through tomorrow night; so if you’re in the Tampa area, come on by!
Recently I was pleased to receive a new printing of my book, Jesus Loves Me, which has now been released as a beautifully-illustrated paperback (if you’d like to purchase a copy you can click this link). Perhaps it’s the cover, but many people assume this book is for children. Well, children will enjoy it; but it’s really an adult book — a biography of two remarkable sisters named Anna and Susan Warner.
As children, the Warner girls watched their family’s wealth evaporate in the financial collapse of 1837. Losing their mansion in New York City, the family was forced to move into a ramshackled house on the Hudson River, across from the Military Academy at West Point. There the girls grew up exploring, reading, and working the land. They eventually realized their family was in perpetual debt, so they began writing and selling stories. In time, Anna and Susan became two of the most popular writers of the Civil War era.
It was in one of their books they created the words to the hymn, “Jesus Loves Me.” But today I’d like to share another hymn they wrote. A beloved minister, Pastor Adams, told the sisters he was very weary, having preached three times that day, conducted Sunday School, led a prayer meeting and a class meeting, and cared for his people from early morning until late afternoon. But, he said, it was one more day’s work for Jesus. Shortly afterward, the sisters sent him awonderful poem and hymn. Here is the first verse and chorus. It speaks of our daily mission of serving Christ:
One more day’s work for Jesus,
One less of life for me!
But Heav’n is nearer, and Christ is clearer
Than yesterday, to me.
His love and light fill all my soul tonight.
One more day’s work for Jesus,
One more day’s work for Jesus,
One more day’s work for Jesus,
One less of life for me!