I’m writing this in Kilchzimmer, Switzerland, an old house that dates from the 1500s. Located near the village of Langenbruck, Kilchzimmer is the headquarters of Child Evangelism Fellowship Europe. Here training sessions are held for CEF workers, retreats take place, and the work of child evangelism is coordinated across Europe. Many thanks to my host, CEF European Director Gerd-Walter Buskies.
It’s also possible for you to visit Kilchzimmer. If you’d like a Swiss vacation, consider using this as a base. It’s more authentic than any hotel, and at certain times of the year affordable rooms are available for your family. You can hike the nearby hills, or drive to nearby places like Basil, Geneva, and the Alps. Particularly during the first half of the year before CEF Institute season gears up, Kilchzimmer is available as a guest house for individuals, families, and groups, and there are discounts including a three-days-for-the-price-of-two special. For more information about Kitchzimmer, click here. Here are some pictures.