Full Steam Ahead!

The Five-Fold Fullness God Has for You in the New Year A Study of Acts […]

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All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name

When I realized I was on deck to preach on the Sunday after the most […]

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Standing Firm in High Winds

A Study of Philippians 3:12 – 4:1 When the tornado stuck Nashville this Spring, much […]

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The Dignity of a Humble Life

A Study of Philippians 2:1-11 My message today is about the dignity of a humble […]

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What’s To Be Done with The Church?

The Parable of the Vineyard Mark 12:1-12 This world simply cannot understand the living church […]

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People Need The Lord

Introduction What a year we’ve had. We’ve faced a tornado, a pandemic, an economic disaster, […]

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How To Become A Truly Loving Person

A Study of 2 John I had great-aunt from the hills of West Virginia who […]

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My Mother’s Remnants

A Mother’s Remnants Every Scrap of Kindness Is More Than It Seams It’s hard to […]

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Christ and the Antichrist in Today’s World

A Study of 1 John 2:12-23 Do not love the world or anything in the […]

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I’ve Got This–How To Improve Your Relationships

A Study from the book of Ephesians Introduction: Maybe it’s just our politics, but everything […]

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“I Have Found the Book!”

“I Have Found the Book!” A Study of 2 Chronicles 33 – 35 I want […]

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The Rhythms of Revival

Introduction: Last month my grandson and I went to New York for a few days. […]

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