Because the Lord is My Shepherd…


Psalm 23:1 says in the Living Bible:  Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything that I need.

Decades ago, in my first pastorate, I preached a series of sermons from the 23rd Psalm, using that verse as a theme; and I can’t recall if I’ve done so since.  What I most remember about that original series is how well it was received.  Everyone loves Psalm 23, the world’s best-known and most-loved poem.

Psalm 23 has been engraved on the hearts of every generation from antiquity to modernity. It’s been quoted across the centuries and through the millennia. Its words have blessed millions of sick rooms and thousands of classrooms. It’s been quoted in hospitals, jails, homes, and churches; in open-air rallies and underground meetings; in seasons of peace and in times of war. It’s been whispered by the bedsides of sleepy children and spoken as the last words of dying convicts. It’s the most memorized and memorialized passage in the Bible.

 Join us Sunday at The Donelson Fellowship as we begin a six-week study of Psalm 23.  And check out our newest resource — a booklet entitled:  The Lord is My Shepherd — That’s Enough!